15/8 is the day for the I U night which organised by taylor sri hartamas rotaract club..well..since i and eu geen has already promise that we will go..and yet, we have bought the ticket already, just attend lo..XD
Like what i mention in my title..why will i be anger?!..coz of fetching YIN YING..OMG, y she has to live by my area (which not really say as near), and make me had to fetch her..swt"..i try my best to rush to her area, pandan indah thr, after i had finish my guitar class..which is around 4.45..and i has already ask her to be prepare and i wll be arrive in around 5..haiz~~..since im not familier with that area as well..it make me find for a long time which cause me arrive her home in5.30..T.T..whn i thought i was late..and..WTF..she even haven prepare finish, about 5.40 only done..walao..lucky i arrive let only, if not, i ma need wait for 40minute..==..thats y make me anger..really dulan whn u keep turning around to find a house and u need to wait pp..==
Oh fine, i just tell eu geen n ru yiin that i will be late..coz at 1st we plan to meet in kepong jusco in 6.10..thn i drive fully speed towards high way..(coz i dont like to be late><)..and suddenly..WHAT THE HELL..the stupid sky start raining..which is a heavy rain..swt"..lol..it make me cant drive fast..which just maintain 80-100km/h..hey..im in high way ok?!..finally,after meet eu geen in mutiara shopping complex in jalan ipoh, he lead me to kepong jusco..lol..whn reach..still need to wait ru yiin as well..==..y girls always must be late..><
so TIRING la..following pp car is a hard work..ur eye need to keep on tracking the car n drive carefully..swt"..and one of the ru yiin frenz..walao..drive like god..==..geng..
Later, still need to follow ru yiin car to bandar sri damansara club..damn tiring..><..finally we reach our destination..wao..><..FINALLY..before enter the restaurant, yinying introduce his frenz, qin nian and a indian guy, pronouce as"flod"?!..dont know how to spell..><
When we was on our way to restaurant..we meet JARREN..walao..so touch that meet someone that we know..T.T..he was watching the football match through tv..==..haha..we get to chat awhile thn only enter the rstaurant..><
As i thought..we are late..><..for half hour ady..><..and the president was giving a speech..><
haha, Janine look nice with her pink color dress..^^..we were same table with ru yinn ,yin ying and their high school frenz..><..which were all strangers..XD..we get to know each other later by their introduction, but..cant remember any of their name..most of them is ru yiin high school frenz..which mean..ALL girls~~><
Well..ntg special after that..just eat and chitchat with eu geen only..><..wait till the performances section..just see how thy play lo..the 1st i think is Janine n her frenz singing..haha..1st time hear she sing..so far so good lo..coz the speaker those so laoxi..which cant hear clearly..><..second is dance?!..lead by Julia gang..XD..is fun whn watching Julia dance..coz is the only time u can see her face without smile..XD..after that..erm..Li Shan solo dance..is totally different whn u see her dance n u imagine how she presentation in class..2 different pp..XD..thn is acting performance..which was act by many pp..and thrs few part of it..and i dont even understand any of them..><..but i do take video for the last scene..Jarren fight all the pp for dont know wat reason..XD..haha..but the performer quite bz lo..coz thy need keep changing their cloth..XD
After performance, thr are some games and lucky draw..well..say bout lucky draw..our table is quilte "ONG", 2 pp get the prizes..^^..for the game sectioin..well..quite funny de..for some..XD..the last section is funny..4 pp for 1 team need to stand in a piece of newspaper..is not hard whn is a fully open newspaper..but whn it turn to half of the paper..is hard..><..especially whn u saw a group with 4 big guys..thy like climb to each other n hug to each other..is FUNNY^^
Haha..thrs some more part after that..but im not really remember the details and lazy to type already..the conclusion is..dinner yesterday not bad la..the same opinion for me and eu geen..XD
Btw, beside me, eu geen, ru yiin, yin ying, janine, jarren, julia, lishan, i saw sin min n arisha as well..so thrs about 10 of HH1 attend the dinner..although most of them are ady rotaract club, and thy HAS to attend..XD..still..has to say that..Janine look nice in the pink dress..^^